Professional | Passionate | Personal

Als Psychologin bin ich Mental Coach und Diagnostiker zugleich. Ich arbeite mit Menschen, die in ihrem beruflichen Leben etwas ändern wollen. Dabei geht es meist darum ein Umfeld zu finden oder zu gestalten, in dem man Stärken & Kompetenzen sinnvoll einsetzten kann.  Aber auch zu erkennen, welches Umfeld man braucht um sich menschlich wohl zu fühlen und über sich hinauswachsen zu können.

Mein Ziel ist es, Menschen in Unternehmen bei ihrer Entwicklung zu unterstützen und zu begleiten, um einen persönlichen udn wirtschaftlichen Mertwert zu generieren. Die Ergebnisse meiner Arbeit gehen dabei sehr oft in persönliche Erkenntnisse über:

As a psychologist I am mental coach and trainer as well. I work with people who want to set sails for persona growth and success. It is my profession to discover supporting strength and valuable competencies that foster personal change. In my work I also analyse organisational structures that support organisational learning where people can develop and flourish.

Results of my work have led me to define 3 key insights:

Insight 1

Self Consciousness | Goals | Self Confidence

  • People with a positive attitude in life believe in themselves and in their goals
  • Successful people have a clear vision of their goals 
  • People with self confidence don´t get disheartened by mistakes 

Insight 2

The power of changing perspective 

  • fear of failure turns into curiosity about challenges 
  • fear of being rejected turn into courage to change 
  • „somehow & something“ turns into a clear vision 

Insight 3

Mens Vivat | We are what We believe

At MensVivat it is our goal to support people in their personal growth. Therefore we reflect existing believes and make personal success something tangible.

Dr. Silke Veers, is a certified psychologist specialising on career development, and the assessment of competencies and personalities. She has extensive experience working with a variety of industries. For MensVivat she acts as project leader for international development projects.

Mag. Thomas Römer, is a certified psychologist with an emphasis on organisational development. He has extensive expertise as a management consultant with Kienbaum, and has delivered numerous training projects and development centers for organisational change, strategy development and global people development projects across industries.

Mag. Sabine Baron,  is a professional trainer and coach and focuses on the delivery of digital training programs. Besides her German mother tongue she is tri-lingual in English, French and Italian and works with MensVivat as an associate Trainer specifically in HR related topics.

Ing Christian Graf, is a certified consultant, trainer and coach specializing in training for Data protection regulations. He is also a Certified Digital Consultant & Certified Data & IT Security Expert. For MensVivat he designs and delivers trainingprograms on data protection and data security.