If we want to lead a happy and succesfull life, if we want to lead others we have to become a leader for ourselves first. Start with changing your perspective and shifting from fear of losing a job to dare dreaming about someting more meaningful like inspirational work and a different kind of career planning.
Key Note Speaker at University of Genf & Espace Dickens in Lausanne 15. – 16. May 2017

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Can losing a job actually be an opportunity in our career planning?
When losing a job – is it really always a crisis or can it be an opportunity to find something more meaningful in life, to change direction and do what we actually always wanted to do but never dreamed of doing. Is the “job” we hold all there is, or is there more to come if we dare dreaming?
Can a Career actually be planned and if so – what constitutes a career?
When we set out to plan our career do we have all the long over-hours in mind? Do we think about the tasks we have to fulfil without actually wanting to perform them or are we in search of some meaningful work that makes sense and gives us satisfaction at the end of day and allows us to pay our bills?
If you are interested in how to shift your pespective from Frustration to Inspiration, join into our Business breakfast @ University of Genf on the 15th of May 2017 or in Espace Dickens in Lausanne on the 16th of May 2017. From 08.00 – 10:30, 2,5 hours that can have an Impact into your future.
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